Today was my first meeting with Chief curator Valerie Smith, Hitomi Iwasaki and Prerana Reddy....
We discussed the possibility of two different projects based off of my previous performance pieces. Unfortunately, due to the constraints of the project, it does not look like either one will work.
Hitomi and I walked through the museum together for a bit of a brain-storming session afterwards. I had visited this very unique museum before, but alway only for brief moments.
Since they house a large scale model of all of New York City in the center of the museum, the floor plan for the exhibition space is around a rounded wall forming the outside of an oval. I looked through exhibition and then looked outside from the east-side windows. There is huge sculpture of the earth outside. I knew of it, having passed it on the highway before, but had never had the chance to look at it carefully.
After leaving museum, I walked to the sculpture, entitled "Unisphere."
It is like a skeleton of the earth, placed on top of a fountain. Probably because it is winter, the fountain was turned off. Instead, a couple of teenagers were enjoying skateboarding. Yeah,
it must be a great place for that. So, I went inside of fountain.
"Oh wow this sculpture is really really huge!"
That is my first impression. Interestingly, you can see through each continent.
So, I looked at Austrailia near the base, but beyond that land, you can see the backside of the North American continent.
The Himalayan mountains in the North edge of India are, in fact, a bit higher than
the rest of the land.
This fascination I felt of the Unisphere led to my new idea.
(To be continued, or check out my profile for this project summary)
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